Saturday, November 8, 2008

Homecoming. From YAAAAAAAY!!! to ...yay?

Homecoming for football was a couple of weeks ago and when the week started, I was GEEKED UP!! I couldn't help but remember back to when I was in high school. Homecoming week was awesome. Snacks and decorations for your locker. Dressing up for the different days (Sports Day, Blue/Gray Day, Crazy Day...etc.). Talking trash about the other team and how badly we were going to beat them. Man, what a great time. I never thought about the work by the faculty to make the week go smoothly. I am such a moron.
Teachers, those directly and indirectly involved, and administrators have to work twice as hard, if not more, to keep the kids at least slightly focused on actual school work. Homecoming or not, lessons must be taught and learning must occur. We are, after all, at school. The kids are really, REALLY into the different days far more than when I was in school. Case in point...

Opposite Gender day. Very interesting. Actually, the kids were great. Keeping them on task was the real problem. They were just so distracted by all the excitement, and hoopla, and... oddness. When we finally got through it, there was a sigh of relief and a smile on my face. the kids had a great time. Next year, I'll be sure to bring some barricades, a blow horn, and some fireworks to get the kids attention back on me. Perhaps, a clown nose as well.

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